Manulife Centre, 55 Bloor St. W Main Level · High Park, 2425 Bloor St. W

May 25, 2017

Do you occasionally suffer bouts of blurry vision – times when your eyesight seems to be worse, whether it’s in the middle of the day, after dark, or doing certain activities? Vision is typically not static, but it is dynamic dependent on a variety of internal and external factors. That’s why at certain times, your vision can be clearer than at other times.

Here are the top 5 things that can affect your ability to see life to the fullest.


Excessive near focussing, particularly from digital screens, creates unnatural ocular stress and can produce eye malaise, headaches, inconsistent vision and red uncomfortable eyes. To reduce strain, our eye doctors recommend following the 20/20/20 rule – every 20 minutes look at least 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. Additionally, be mindful of conscious blinking to reduce staring which increases the risk for dry eye. Many eyeglasses now come with a special blue-light blocking filter to protect the eyes from the potentially damaging blue light emanating from digital devices such as computers, smart phones and tablets.

Bright Sunlight

Sunshine can cause discomfort glare, leading to squinting, sunspots and reduced visual performance. High quality UV blocking and glare reducing sunglasses are essential to better visual clarity and optimal health. Leading sunglasses brands like Maui Jim, Ray Ban and Oakley do offer high quality manufacturing, leading lens designs and stylish frames to ensure excellent visual clarity and consistency in bright sunshine. Be smart and wear your sunglasses.

Eye Makeup

Eye makeup and application brushes can accumulate bacteria which can cause infections of the glands in the eyelids, as well as eye infections such as pinkeye and conjunctivitis. If you area already suffering from an eye infection, we recommend throwing away existing eye makeup and either sterilizing or discarding application tools. Under normal circumstances, keep makeup brushes clean with a monthly washing with soap and water.

To take it a step further, keep away from eye makeup testers, don’t share your eye makeup or tools with anyone, and don’t wear false eyelashes no matter how tempted you are by an evening out; the artificially long lashes are a magnet for dirt and debris and can sweep it into the eyes.

Eye Fatigue

Lack of proper sleep can cause difficulty focusing as well as other irritations like dry eyes and eye spasms. Try to sleep at least 6-7 hours as a bare minimum in order to maintain optimum clarity of vision. Consider adding a small air mister or humidifier to your bedroom to reduce the risk of dry eye upon wakening.

Poor Eyeglass and Contact lens Prescriptions

Frequent eye exams are important to ensure precise prescriptions for the busy and demanding lives of the modern world. Our eye doctors will assess your visual system to provide excellent recommendations to ensure optimized vision and health.Poor Eyeglass and Contact lens Prescriptions

Frequent eye exams are important to ensure precise prescriptions for the busy and demanding lives of the modern world. Our eye doctors will assess your visual system to provide excellent recommendations to ensure optimized vision and health.

At Toronto Eye Care, our experienced eye doctors, helpful technicians, and advanced diagnostics can help you achieve optimized vision and maintain eye health.



Toronto Eye Care